Sunday, June 14, 2009

Theory of Relativity proven

Perhaps one of the most famous equations in the world, in all scientific fields, is Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, E=mc2. This means that the energy is equal to the mass multiplied by the square speed of light. Recently, an international team whose members come from Germany, France and Hungary, led by Laurent Lellouch from the Center for Theoretical Physics in France, managed to prove that the theory is actually right from a subatomic perspective.
The group used a lot of computational power provided by some of the mightiest supercomputers out there in order to prove that results based on proton and neutron (the particles that make up the atomic nuclei) behavior concur with the relativity theory. Practically, the standard model of quantum physics states that neutrons and protons are themselves made up of even smaller particles, called quarks, which are bound together by particles named gluons (glue-on, pretty logical).
it took lots of effort to reach this results. Still some work has to be done on it. The scientists are excited with this latest development and hoping that it will help to explore new things in vast field of science.

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